Hey guys! So from 10-13 Dec 2014, YCS held their annual End-Of-Year camp at Nativity Church.
Camp Y, as it was named, had about a 100 people attending– still a pretty large number in my opinion. Having volunteered as a facil, I had to go and "gather my chicks". Yeah it was a pretty awkward introduction but I had a fun time throughout the whole camp with them. My favourite part was probably staying up at night, because who doesn't love no sleep. (
I only slept 4 hours in four days) Oh and of course the water games. I have to admit this year's water games were better than last year's. Venue was much larger and well it was un being the game master cuz you can torture the campers muahahaha. My station was pretty gross, curtesy of Isaac hahaha, it had the worst combination–mentos,flour, water and saliva.
Selfie inception.
Looking forward to more YCS events and helping out in more of them cuz YCS has really made a big impact on my life.
Live. Laugh. Love.
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